The TITAN and MAULER Projects were an ECMC-EMAC Co-Developed Project to bring Mass Effect Technology to the frontier of Weapons Technology. their sights were first set on upgrading the Empire's most prominent Weapons, the MAC Systems. In 2402EC, EMAC had finally began production on the two systems after successful testing a year prior. 

The TITAN System is the largest of the three total MAC Systems. It fires a 3,500 Ton (3,175,200KG) Neutronium Core Slug at a marked for a near record of 245,000 KM/S (245,000,000 m/s), or just above 80% of lightspeed. The slug has the capable force of impact with Approximately 12 Teratons to that of TNT, which, by current records, can tear threw any known ship even with full capacity shields, and then have the ability to brutally wound a second ship if in it's path still. Even if you managed to stop the round, it would produce enough thermodynamic energy to vaporize the ship it impacted. The TITAN System on Standard Ships fires one round per 25 Seconds. On FRAY Specialized Systems, one Round every 10 Seconds. 
The Proper E=MC^2 Calculation for the TITAN produces 1,905,120,000,000 for E. 

The MAULER MAC System is the Standardized MAC Round, amplified by MEF Technology, same properties of the TITAN MAC System Apply. It fires a 3,000 Ton (3,000,000 Kilograms) Neutronium Core Slug at a marked 200,000KM/S (200,000,000 M/S), or just above 65% Lightspeed. It carries a capable force of approx 10 Teratons of TNT, which can tear threw just about any ship, just as the TITAN MAC Can, and still, as well, can brutally wound a ship behind it. Like the TITAN MAC as well, it would produce enough thermodynamic energy to vaporize the ship if it was stopped by that ship. The MAULER System on Standard Ships Fires One Round per 15 Seconds. On FRAY Specialized Systems, one Round every 5 Seconds. 
E = 1,800,000,000,000

 The Fray Defensive Platform is the Prime Example of all Three MAC Systems Being Compared in Size, The TITAN (The Most Noticeable), The MAULER (Seen At Very Bottom), and the Normal MAC Systems (Two Seen just above the MAULER.) 

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